Looking For A Good Meal?
So is the rest of America!

Company: Chef Selections
Symbol: CFSC
Price: $0.15
Target: $0.45
Note: High Volume Activity All Week

Chef Selections (Pink Sheets:CFSC) is a innovative
company that searches the back roads of America to
find all those great little places that provide
exceptional foods and brings them to the market
for everyone to enjoy.

CFSC has now announced and nation wide sales
campaign of it new product lines.
Folks this nations biggest market is food
and this company is bringing high end products
to Americas front door.

This is one company that is headed on up.
 The campaign is releasing this month.
Grab it now while you can. Jump on CFSC
firs thing Friday morning!

Home is where you hang your hat.
An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.

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