After the age of twenty-one, your bodyy sloowly stops releasiing an important 
hormonee known as H G H (Human Growth Hormone).

The reduction of H G H, which regulates levels of other hormones in the body 
(including testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, and melatonin) is directly 
responsiblee for many of the most common signs of growing old, such as 
wrïnklès, gray hair, decreãseed energý, and dimiñished sexual function.

Human Growth Hormoone wiIl normâllyy yieldd the followingg results:
 - Bóost your immune system
 - Rêjuvenatee your body and mind
 - Feell & look youñgerr
 - Reduce wrinkles, lose weight, decrease cellulitee
 - Restore your sex drive and vigor
 - Revitalizee yourr heart, liver, kidneys & lungs
 - Maintaain muscle mass
 - Refresh memòry, mood and mentaI energy
 - Sleep soundlyy and awake rested
 - Help elimînate stress, fatigue and depression

Jackson Hutchinson

The typewriter was there. There was a queer interval of silence, and Paul was 
frightened by what he saw on her face, because what he saw was nothing; the 
black nothing of a crevasse folded into an alpine meadow, a blackness where no 
flowers grew and into which the drop might be long. 
and part of you knows it.

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