Attack is the best means of defence. 

Hot married women looking for some action. Help them out ;)
Corinne, Goldie and Colette are waiting for you
No life can be dreary when work is a delight. 

Only the good die young. . Still waters run deep. . Diligence is the mother of 
good luck. . It is better to stay silent and be thought a fool, than to open 
one's mouth and remove all doubt. .
Cheerfulness smooths the road of life. 

Forewarned is forearmed. 

no more?

.Clothes make the man. . Anger and hate hinder good counsel. . Never cackle 
unless you lay. .
An old fox need learn no craft. . Step by step one goes far. . An onion a day 
keeps everyone away. .

The sun shines on both sides of the hedge. . A stitch in time saves nine. . It 
is better to stay silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and 
remove all doubt. .

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