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Ti totatzinozqueh
The man who fails because he aims astray or because he does not aim at all is to be found everywhere.
Put a knife to thy throat, if you're a man given to appetite. Idealism is fine, but as it approaches reality the cost becomes prohibitive.

If you want to be happy for a year, plant a garden If you want to be happy for life, plant a tree.
There is no loneliness greater than the loneliness of a failure. The failure is a stranger in his own house.
The most beautiful things in the universe are the starry heavens above us and the feeling of duty within us.

If you are not very clever, you should be conciliatory. Sometimes too much drink is barely enough.
Football is a game of errors. The team that makes the fewest errors in a game usually wins.
The humblest citizen of all the land when clad in the armor of a righteous cause, is stronger than all the hosts of Error.
Error is discipline through which we advance.
Everybody hates a prodigy, detests an old head on young shoulders.

To remind a man of the good turns you have done him is very much like a reproach.
Trust no friend without faults, and love a woman, but no angel.
Only those are fit to live who are not afraid to die.
I have no name: I am but two days old. What shall I call thee? I happy am, Joy is my name. Sweet joy befall thee!

The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction not a destination.

Fasten your seat belts, it's going to be a bumpy night! [As Margo Channing in All About Eve]


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