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GE Home Security GE Home Security GE Home Security
GE Home Security
GE Home Security GE Home Security GE Home Security
GE and Protect America Provide the Best Protection for the Best Price GE and Protect America Provide the Best Protection for the Best Price
GE and Protect America Provide the Best Protection for the Best Price GE and Protect America Provide the Best Protection for the Best Price
GE Home Security
GE Home Security GE Home Security GE Home Security
GE Home Security
Protect America, Inc.
5100 N IH-35 Ste. B
Round Rock, TX 78681

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*FREE GE Home Security refers to Bronze Package,
$100 off Perimeter Packages refers to
Silver, Gold and Platinum Packages.
Standard monitoring agreement required.
Cannot be combined with any other offer.
Must be a homeowner with approved credit.
Other restrictions apply.
GE Security Authorized Dealer

We provide our service in all 50 states. In some states, a license is not required. Here is a list of the states that do require a license along with our valid license number: LICENSES: AL: 05-027; AZ: ROC114855 C-12; ROC114856 L-67; AR: #E 01-538; CA: ACO 4115; VA: 11-3129; FL: EG0000192; GA: LVA205161; IL: 127-001092; LA: BF533; MD: 107-670; MI: 3601202409; NJ: 34BA00066100, 34FA00055400; NM: 60519; NC: 635-CSA; OK: 739; SC: 5432, 3104; TN: 00000265; TX: B-06923; UT: 345548-6501; CT: Protect America, Inc. of Texas 191352; WA: PROTEAI962LD; WV: WV032962; Licensed by the N.Y.S. Department of State, 12000269970.

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