IOF Flexible payment
1)             Staggered payment will received staggered loan
Full settlement will received rebate
Unsettled payments will be charged a penalty of 1% for each failed aggrement period
2)             Low Interest Low Risk
3)             Credit Facility, Bill discounting, assisting on
                Fixed Deposits, Invoices, Loan application etc
4)             1-3 working days approval subject to completeness of the above requirements
5)             Up to 80% loan given and negotiable
5)             One time chage per transaction
1)                   Service Charges IOF Loan Duration
2)                   Service charges approximately = 8 – 15%
(total loan amount)
3)                   Discount charges approximately = 2-3%
(total loan amount)
4)                   Admin Charges approximately = 1-2%
(total loan amount)
Periodic payment 1 (one) to 4 (four) weeks period
Re-factor basis:
Previous Agreement will be re-vamp which include a new one time charges
Factoring Requirements :
1.                    Applicant’s copompany latest bank account statement
2.                    Applicants’s company profile and business activities
3.                    Applicants’s need to sign a letter of Statutory of Declarations
For further enquiries pls do not hesitate contact :
Natrisha – 0176075423
Or email [EMAIL PROTECTED] /  ym messenger: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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