Realised the reason I didn't need the database was that I'm using ldap for

I think I have more that one problem now though, icinga is sending no
errors via e-mail, although the logs look good.

Ah, I think one problem was not activating the new php7.3 in apache, solved
a2enmod php7.3
systemctl restart apache2

I also had to change SERVICENAME to SERVICEDESC in
mail-service-notification.sh which solved the errors in the logs I
was getting, but still not getting any warning emails.

Although I can log in, lots of breakage, menu on left disappears, can't see
any hosts or services. Checked conf is still good.
icinga2logs seem fine, nothing in /var/log/icingaweb2


On Wed, 31 Jul 2019 at 23:15, Marcel Weinberg <mweinberg...@email.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> icingaweb2 needs a database (the one you mentioned refering to the vultr
> post) to store the configuration. On Debian it's required to create the
> database manually. I would recommend the actual icinga documentation:
> https://icinga.com/docs/icingaweb2/latest/doc/02-Installation/
> I am honestly a bit puzzled and don't know how it could have been working
> earlier if you don't have the database.
> What I would do now is:
> - take a backup of /etc/icingaweb2 to safe all the existing configuration
> files from your previous installation
> - check the configured resources in /etc/icingaweb2/resources.ini and
> check which database was used
> ... if this does not help and you want to configure icingaweb2 from
> scratch again
> - create the icingaweb2 database
> - run `icingacli setup token create` on the icinga2 node to create a token
> - go to http://<server-ip-or-fqnd>/icingaweb2/setup
> The setup wizard will guide you through the setup in your browser. This
> includes the configuration of required datasources as well as a check that
> all required PHP modules are installed.
> Btw, feel free to post this question at https://community.icinga.com/
> Best regards,
> Marcel
> *Gesendet:* Mittwoch, 31. Juli 2019 um 23:31 Uhr
> *Von:* "James Allsopp" <jamesaalls...@googlemail.com>
> *An:* "Icinga User's Corner" <icinga-users@lists.icinga.org>
> *Betreff:* [icinga-users] Icingaweb2 broken after upgrade from Debian
> stretch to Buster
> Hi,
> I managed to get icinga back up and running after the upgrade by upgrading
> the database using
>  mysql_upgrade -u root -p
> and upgrading the schema using;
> mysql -u root -p icingadb <2.8.0.sql
> mysql -u root -p icingadb <2.8.1.sql
> but I get nothing at all from the web interface, no errors just a blank
> page. I'm seeing GET requests in the apache2 logs though and nothing is
> being written in the log at /var/log/icingaweb2. .
> Icinga2 should have upgraded from 2.6.0-2 to 2.10.3-2
> Icingaweb2 should have upgraded from 2.4.1-1 to 2.6.2-3
> I've checked the icinga2 feature is enabled for ido-mysql and command
> I've added the correct timezone in /etc/php/7.3/apache2/php.ini
> I've checked all the relevant packages are installed.
> I'm not sure if I'm supposed to update the schema for the web client too?
> I've seen a site (
> https://www.vultr.com/docs/how-to-install-icinga-2-and-icinga-web-2-on-ubuntu-16-04)
> that states
> mysql -u root -p icingaweb2 < 
> /usr/share/icingaweb2/etc/schema/mysql.schema.sql
> but I don't have an icingaweb2 database.
> Here's my current structure of databases;
> Your MariaDB connection id is 13
> Server version: 10.3.15-MariaDB-1 Debian 10
> Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.
> Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input
> statement.
> MariaDB [(none)]> show databases;
> +--------------------+
> | Database           |
> +--------------------+
> | icinga_users       |
> | icingadb           |
> | information_schema |
> | mysql              |
> | performance_schema |
> +--------------------+
> 5 rows in set (0.000 sec)
> MariaDB [icingadb]> show tables;
> +----------------------------------------+
> | Tables_in_icingadb                     |
> +----------------------------------------+
> | icinga_acknowledgements                |
> | icinga_commands                        |
> | icinga_commenthistory                  |
> | icinga_comments                        |
> | icinga_configfiles                     |
> | icinga_configfilevariables             |
> | icinga_conninfo                        |
> | icinga_contact_addresses               |
> | icinga_contact_notificationcommands    |
> | icinga_contactgroup_members            |
> | icinga_contactgroups                   |
> | icinga_contactnotificationmethods      |
> | icinga_contactnotifications            |
> | icinga_contacts                        |
> | icinga_contactstatus                   |
> | icinga_customvariables                 |
> | icinga_customvariablestatus            |
> | icinga_dbversion                       |
> | icinga_downtimehistory                 |
> | icinga_endpoints                       |
> | icinga_endpointstatus                  |
> | icinga_eventhandlers                   |
> | icinga_externalcommands                |
> | icinga_flappinghistory                 |
> | icinga_host_contactgroups              |
> | icinga_host_contacts                   |
> | icinga_host_parenthosts                |
> | icinga_hostchecks                      |
> | icinga_hostdependencies                |
> | icinga_hostescalation_contactgroups    |
> | icinga_hostescalation_contacts         |
> | icinga_hostescalations                 |
> | icinga_hostgroup_members               |
> | icinga_hostgroups                      |
> | icinga_hosts                           |
> | icinga_hoststatus                      |
> | icinga_instances                       |
> | icinga_logentries                      |
> | icinga_notifications                   |
> | icinga_objects                         |
> | icinga_processevents                   |
> | icinga_programstatus                   |
> | icinga_runtimevariables                |
> | icinga_scheduleddowntime               |
> | icinga_service_contactgroups           |
> | icinga_service_contacts                |
> | icinga_servicechecks                   |
> | icinga_servicedependencies             |
> | icinga_serviceescalation_contactgroups |
> | icinga_serviceescalation_contacts      |
> | icinga_serviceescalations              |
> | icinga_servicegroup_members            |
> | icinga_servicegroups                   |
> | icinga_services                        |
> | icinga_servicestatus                   |
> | icinga_statehistory                    |
> | icinga_systemcommands                  |
> | icinga_timeperiod_timeranges           |
> | icinga_timeperiods                     |
> | icinga_zones                           |
> | icinga_zonestatus                      |
> +----------------------------------------+
> Any help would be much appreciated,
> Thanks
> James
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