_______________________________________________ icinga-users mailing list icinga-users@lists.icinga.org https://lists.icinga.org/mailman/listinfo/icinga-usersHi Simon,
A small plugin script on the client could reduce hair loss. I have scribbled a small solution for up/down. You can adapt it for link speed, rx, tx, crc errors etc.
Usage: sh check_interface_state.sh eth0
state=$(/sbin/ifconfig -a | grep $1 | awk 'BEGIN{FS="<"; RS=","}{print $2; exit}')
#echo "$state"
if [ ! -z "$state" ]; then
if (($state == "UP")); then
echo "OK - interface $1 is UP"
exit 0
echo "CRITICAL - interface $1 is DOWN"
exit 2
echo "CRITICAL - interface $1 is DOWN"
exit 2
You make improve the script to serve your needs.
Kind Regards,
Ivo Kidze
From: icinga-users [mailto:icinga-users-boun...@lists.icinga.org] On Behalf Of Mueller, Simon
Sent: Wednesday, June 5, 2019 6:00 AM
To: icinga-users@lists.icinga.org
Subject: [icinga-users] Check network interfaces without SNMP
Hello Community,
we are searching for a possibility to check network interfaces (up/down, link speed, rx, tx, crc errors, etc.) without going through the hassle to configure snmpd on each client that we are monitoring. The plugin that we are searching for most likely will use information from ethtool/mii-tool/ifconfig/ip commands which are normally existent on every client by default or could easily be added to kickstart/configmgmt.
Until now we couldn’t find anything proper on Icinga Exchange or on the net, maybe you guys have an idea?
Best regards,
Simon Müller
Bechtle GmbH & Co. KG
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_______________________________________________ icinga-users mailing list icinga-users@lists.icinga.org https://lists.icinga.org/mailman/listinfo/icinga-users