On 3/18/19 9:47 PM, Antony Stone wrote:


The code is not "run" when doing "icinga2 daemon -C" - there's no output to
/var/log/icinga2/icinga2.log, and there's no output from the log() functon
calls on the console - it just reports the number of different types of
ConfigItems etc (and any syntax errors if there are any).

As far as I know, you won't get any output from log() to log files (I'd also appreciate it, if anyone knows to set this up), but you do get it on console when running "icinga2 daemon -C".

Try to include some simple config file into your whole icinga configuration:

arr = [1, 2, 3]
obj = { "key1" = "value1", "key2" = "value2", "key3" = "value3" }


This should get you output when running the command mentioned above.

What I was expecting log() to do was to put something into the standard
Icinga2 log file when the function call got executed, so that I could see what
the code was doing at the time.

That would make sense. Try looking at the https://icinga.com/docs/icinga2/latest/doc/18-library-reference/#log

It explains at leats a bit. You could also get some info in icinga2 console:

<3> => log
        arguments = [ "severity", "facility", "value" ]
        deprecated = false
        name = "System#log"
        side_effect_free = false
        type = "Function"

According to the docs, it should be possible.

As it is, all I can use for now is the output of the Notification, which sends
me an email.  Effective, but a bit slow and a bit tedious...


Václav Mach
tel: +420 234 680 206
CESNET, z.s.p.o.

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