On Monday 18 March 2019 at 14:17:57, Edgar Fuß wrote:

> EF> get_host(host.vars.neighbour)
> > [2019-03-18 09:24:55 +0000] critical/config: Error: Error while
> > evaluating expression: Tried to access undefined script variable 'host'
> What context is that in?

It's in a NotificationCommand object.

I can use things like $host.name$ and $host.display_name$ perfectly okay to 
get properties of the machine the notification is about.

What I want to do is include in the Notification the name of a "partner" 
machine to this one (it's in a load-balanced pair).

If I reference $host.vars.neighbour$, I get the name of the partner machine, 
no problem.

Now I need to reference other properties of _that_ host, to find out its 
display_name and a couple of other details to include in the notification 

> Depending on the context (function, Service Object, Host Object) you may
> need host.vars, vars or this.vars.

Yep, I've been trying all sorts of combinations :)

Thanks for the help so far...


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