
I'm wondering if there is a way to tell Icinga2 not to send notifications 
during some time period, but to have it "catch up" and send notifications for 
any problems still outstanding at the end of that time?

Example: Support staff work 9am to 5pm, and want to get notifications about 
problems as they occur during that time.  They don't want to be bothered by 
anything before 9am or after 5pm.

However, if some problem occurs at 8am, and hasn't cleared by 9am, I'd like 
the notification to be sent at 9am to tell them there's a problem to be dealt 

I know I can set time periods in the Notification objects, but that only 
applies to the time the alert *would* be generated, and if it's outside an 
active time period, that's it - it doesn't get sent.

If a problem occurs at 8am and clears itself at 8:30am, I don't want anything 
about it to be sent at 9am, because it's no longer anything that needs dealing 

Any ideas?


I lay awake all night wondering where the sun went, and then it dawned on me.

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