

I have a high-availability setup which consists of three machines running 
corosync / pacemaker managing a floating IP address, and a second group of 
three machines similarly running another floating IP address.

Either of those addresses can be used to access various services running on 
the entire "cluster".

In Icinga(2.10.3) I've created host entries for:

 - each of the six "real" servers
 - each of the two floating IPs at which services can be accessed
 - one "cluster" entity which represents either of the floating addresses being 


>From time to time I run updates to the software on one or more of the real 
servers, and of course this results in short-term unavailability of the 
services they are running, during the upgrade.

If I'm updating just one machine, I can put it into Downtime in Icingaweb2 
(along with all its services) and avoid getting alerts while the services (or 
indeed the host, if a reboot is involved) are unavailable.

I would like to be able to set Downtime on one of the floating IP "Hosts" and 
have it take effect on all three of the real servers which provide this single 
address, or to set Downtime on the single "cluster" Host, and have this take 
effect on all six servers together.

Can anyone think of a way to do this?

I've tried using Group membership, and custom Host variables, but I can't find 
any way to have a setting I change on the "higher level" host ripple down to 
the component hosts which are members of it.

Any ideas gratefully received :)


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