Please see below
On 30/01/2019 13:52, kanny goud wrote:
Hi Experts,
I am trying to configure event handling for http service through ssh
from client side i have copied the restart-http script in icinga home
and provided sudo access to icinga user for execute the script
i have provided the password less authentication between nagios server
and remote host.
Note: here i am trying to configure event handling through ssh
But its not working. Please check my configuration files and let me
know if any thing wrong on it.
Main configuration file :
*/icinga/etc[ 66 ] --> cat icinga.cfg | grep global_service_event_handler*
Command definition file:
atlvmon01:/home/kmaragon/monitoring/icinga/opt/icinga/etc[ 70 ] -->
grep -A3 check-unix-httpd-via-ssh
*command_name check-unix-httpd-via-ssh*
* command_line $USER2$/check_via_ssh --hostname
$HOSTADDRESS$ --timeout 30 --sshopts 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no'
--command "/home/nagios/plugins/contrib/restart-httpd $SERVICESTATE$
service definition file:
*define service {*
* host_name atlvhttpd03*
* use default-service*
* max_check_attempts 4*
* event_handler check-unix-httpd-via-ssh!*
the "!" at the end of the event-handler name is breaking your configuration.
Remove it and check
* contact_groups TCS_Unix_Admin*
* service_description HTTPD SERVICE*
* }*
after this when i am going to commit getting below erros.
*cvmon/services.cfg', starting on line 4)*
*Error: Service description, host name, or check command is NULL*
*Error: Could not register service (config file
starting on line 6382)*
* Error processing object config files!*
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