On Wednesday 31 October 2018 at 13:44:58, Antony Stone wrote:

> Hi.
> Is there any way to adjust the column widths of the Icingaweb2 display?

I'm replying to my own posting here, just in case this is useful to anyone 

> For example, if I view the Service Grid, and have a machine (or a few) with
> lots of problems, it produces quite a wide display for the grid.
> If I then click on one of the problems to get more detail in the right-hand
> pane, I can easily lose some of the grid because the browser column it's
> shown in is about 1/3rd of the available space, with the remaining 2/3rds
> set aside for the detail report at the right.

> So, is there any way to have Icingaweb2:
>  - auto-adjust the column width to be at least as large as the grid?
>  - split the browser window more evenly between the grid and the detail
> pane?

In /usr/share/icingaweb2/public/css/icinga/responsive.less there are 

#layout.twocols.wide-layout #col1 {
  width: 33.33%;

#layout.twocols.wide-layout #col2 {
  width: 66.66%;

Adjusting these in the obvious way splits the browser window however you wish.

>  - allow the user to move the dividing bar in the browser as needed?
> Thanks,
> Antony.

Late in 1972 President Richard Nixon announced that the rate of increase of 
inflation was decreasing.   This was the first time a sitting president used a 
third derivative to advance his case for re-election.

 - Hugo Rossi, Notices of the American Mathematical Society

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