> On 22. Oct 2018, at 12:09, Antony Stone <antony.st...@icinga.open.source.it> 
> wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm wondering what is the best / recommended way to change "icingaweb2" in 
> the 
> standard URL for accessing the Icinga web portal from a browser.
> So, instead of http://my.ser.ver/icingaweb2/ I'd like to have something like 
> http://my.ser.ver/status/
> I can see where to change this in the Apache config file, but there are 
> clearly 
> some "/icingaweb2/" paths embedded into the PHP code under 
> /usr/share/icingaweb2, so I'm wondering:

Where exactly? 

I’ve seen many installations of Icinga Web 2 just with ‘/‘ instead of 
‘/icingaweb2’. The main configuration works with a VHost too, you’d only need 
to ensure that the RewriteBase is set to ‘/‘ and not ‘/icingaweb2’. 

Check here for an example: 


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