On 09/10/2018 10:30 AM, Václav Mach wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using a script for automatic deployments of new configuration using 
> director. The script should notify me when some problem occurs. The script is 
> called from cronjob.
> A part of this script checks if the configuration was deployed successfully 
> or not - see 
> https://github.com/CESNET/eduroam-icinga/blob/master/sync/main.sh#L31-L47
> It seems that this specific parts behaves strange. Sometimes it gives me the 
> startup log as it should, but sometimes it just gives me NULL. The deploy 
> takes only several seconds, at least it seems so from icingaweb - 
> configuration is successfully deployed several seconds after cronjob ran.
> Is there some better way to check if the newly deployed configuration is 
> valid and that startup log does not contain any warnings/errors?

It would obviously be an up-front cost, but using the REST API may be useful 
particularly looking forward. You can do a lot with it, including 
/director/config/deploy. However, I'm not sure if you can (yet) read the 
activities or deployments information.

I receive a 404 from /director/config/activities and 
/director/config/deployments, but /director/config/deploy returns the checksum 
that could theoretically be used in further requests/queries. That same 
checksum is stored in the database, so a hybrid approach in the interim may be 
possible e.g.:

mysql# select startup_succeeded, startup_log from director_deployment_log where 
hex(config_checksum) = '<checksum returned by API call>'

> cheers,
> Vaclav
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