Looking at the Icinga 1.x documentation ("5.8.4 Hard states", https://www.icinga.com/docs/icinga1/latest/en/statetypes.html#hardstates) it says:

Hard states occur for hosts and services in the following situations:


   When a host or service check results in a non-UP or non-OK state and
   it has been (re)checked the number of times specified by the
   /max_check_attempts/ option in the host or service definition. This
   is a hard error state.


   When a host or service transitions from one hard error state to
   another error state (e.g. WARNING to CRITICAL).


   When a service check results in a non-OK state and its corresponding
   host is either DOWN or UNREACHABLE.


   When a host or service recovers from a hard error state. This is
   considered to be a hard recovery.

I'd say that the behaviour hasn't changed so returning to an OK-state will result in a HARD state.

Am 10.07.2018 um 18:55 schrieb Edgar Fuß:
In order to move to a hard non-ok state, a service can require multiple (i.e. 
max_check_attempts) unsuccessful runs of the check plugin.
Is there a way to require multiple successful plugin runs in order to return to 
a (hard) ok state?
I have printers where, if toner is low (not empty), from time to time, the 1104 
entry vanishes from the Printer Alert Table for several seconds, only to return 
at another index shortly after.
As I'm using a combination of SNMP traps and table polling, the trap sent upon 
removal immediately make my printer-toner service switch to OK, after which it 
takes some time (one trap sent upon table re-apperance and two polls) to return 
to WARNING. Even if I remove traps from the equation, my table poll may happen 
during the some-second period the 1104 is gone.

I do know about flapping, but that's not what I want. I want protection from 
transient success, like I'm protected from transient failures.
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