On Sunday 24 December 2017 at 21:26:37, Jonathan Hutchins wrote:

> I've installed icinga2 and icingaweb2 from the Debian packages.

Which ones?  Debian's own repositories, or debmon's, or somewhere else?

> That should pull in all of the packages automatically, but I've also checked
> the list.  I have apache2.4 and PHP7 installed, and I have a WordPress
> installation on the the same server that works, so I know
> PHP+Apache+MySQL (MariaDB) are working.

Do things seem to have gone as expected before the point where you should try 
visiting a URL?

Which installation instructions are you following?

> When I go to the /icinga2 URL, I get a blank white screen.

I would hope that you mean /icingaweb2

> No data appears to be sent, although I am apparently redirected to a login
> URL.

How are you measuring whether any data gets sent, and whether you are being 

What does your Apache log show for this request?

> If I try to go directly to the /setup URL, I get the same white screen.

Again, I hope you mean /icingaweb2/setup

Tell us which docs you're following, and (assuming everything goes as the docs 
suggest it should) show us your Apache logs for the final steps when you get as 
far as using the browser.


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 - Danny Hillis, creator of The Connection Machine

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