On Thursday 26 October 2017 at 22:14:11, Gordon Thagard wrote:

> After I looked in the logs you suggested I saw that the time was off on all
> satellites and on the master. But on that last satellite the time was off
> by many, many hours.

> Problem solved. Thanks for the sysadmin 101 lesson (what does the log
> say?).

Okay, glad to hear it, although I'd suggest that making sure all your servers 
are synchronised for time is an even more basic lesson - it affects all sorts 
of things (not least your brain when you come to look at log files later).

I have two fundamental principles when it comes to server time:

1. All machines must be set to the same time.

2. It's good if they're also set to the correct time.

Rule 1 is more important than rule 2 (ie: better to have all your machines 
wrong in exactly the same way, than to have some correct and some incorrect).


"Once you have a panic, things tend to become rather undefined."

 - murble

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