Dear Gerald,

On 9/17/17 12:08 PM, Gerald Vogt wrote:
> On 17.09.17 11:27, Gijs Rijnders wrote:
>> I have an Icinga2 master node, and I want to monitor other Linux hosts
>> for apt package availability. I read that I have to install Icinga2
>> locally as Satellite on every host, and connect it to the master node. I
> You don't have to do that. An option to install icinga2 on every host
> is to run the checks via ssh. We use ssh key authentication on the
> master to log into an account on the hosts. Via sudoers the account on
> the host can run the necessary checks if root privileges are required.
> The authorized_keys on the host runs a special shell script which
> makes sure only the checks we need can be executed.
I have tried some configuration for running check_apt "by_ssh", but it
doesn't work out for me. Could you give me an example about how you
managed to do this?
> -Gerald



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