Hi Claudio

Thanks for your answer.

This idea was also my initial plan. And probably also the way to go.

I was hoping for some smart magic in Icinga 2 where a check could kind of have 
two identities. So the same host check could be assigned to two different 
interfaces. Thereby only have one service that could be OK if both checks were 
OK. But this is probably wishful thinking 😊 Maybe something with dependencies 
could be useful.

Thanks again,

From: icinga-users [mailto:icinga-users-boun...@lists.icinga.org] On Behalf Of 
Claudio Kuenzler
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2017 1:48 PM
To: Icinga User's Corner <icinga-users@lists.icinga.org>
Subject: Re: [icinga-users] Monitoring both from inside and outside networks in 
Icinga 2

Hi Kasper

For instance I monitor several web services from my internal network (primarily 
checked via my master server) but I would also like to monitor the same 
services from outside my internal network as sometimes firewall / ISP / DNS 
errors might make services inaccessible for external users but still accessible 
from the inside. And as such the monitoring will not show the full picture.

I'm sure there are many ways, but in my setups I use a satellite server which 
is running in the cloud. This satellite server then gets all checks to be 
executed from a "Internet point of view", mainly HTTP checks of important web 
applications running inside our data center.
You can find more information about satellite servers here: 


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