On Monday 10 April 2017 at 15:19:46, Jayapandian Ponraj wrote:

> Hi
> Can someone explain the significance of command_endpoint attribute in the
> host object?

It's the machine which runs the check command to see whether the host is up.

> The command_endpoint in service object says where to executed the check but
> I can't find a use case for the same attribute in host object.

You don't want a machine to check itself to see whether it's up (!), so the 
standard arrangement is that the parent machine performs the check.

> As of now am using it like the following:
> apply service abc {
>   apply where host.command_endpoint
>   command_endpoint = host.command_endpoint
> }

And what do you have host.command_endpoint defined as?

It doesn't look good to me - it means either that:

 - you're performing service checks on the parent of the machine you're 


 - you're telling endpoint machines to check themselves to see whether they're 
up or not.


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