On Thu, 2017-02-09 at 09:55 +0100, Christian Moreno Moreno wrote:
> I would like use the Announcements of Icingaweb2 in our Incidents Process, and
> I would like push automatically some Announcements. 
> This is one Feature of icingaweb2 and doesnt have anything to do with icinga2
> API... some idea how can we create it in remote and not via Web?

I don't know if icingaweb2 actually even has an API. There is nothing in the
docs. But:

There is announcements.ini in your icingaweb2-configuration folder. With every
announcement, a new category is added:

Small sample:

author = "itv-admin"
message = "asdf"
start = "1484175600"
end = "1486854000"
hash = "912ec803b2ce49e4a541068d495ab570"

So via SSH-Access and an ini-editing-library of your choice, this should be easy
to do. I don't know how the category-name is built and what it's actually used
for. The hash is the md5sum of the message.

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