Hi all,

this is to my understanding quite easily achievable in icinga2 : (not
tested, but this is where i'd start )

apply Service "app: tomcat" {
  import "generic-service"
  check_command = "nrpe"
  vars.nrpe_command = "check_tomcat"
  assign where "tomcats" in host.groups
  ignore where match("internal*", host.name)

Unfortunately, I have icinga1 on the server,  where I need to implement
(and no power over changing to icinga2), so I have started with
define service{
        use                         generic-service-nobody
        hostgroups               tomcats
        host_name               !internal*
        service_description   app: tomcat
        check_command      check_nrpe!check_tomcat

the  usage of * failed during service icinga checkconfig
and after going through icinga1 documentation I'm starting to think this it
not possible in icinga1.

The reason why I'm trying to do this, is that we have host definitions that
include aws instanceid in the host name and those instance ids are changing
in time. so I also can not write whole host name (as internal_i-234sdq234)
because upon next icinga restart that host definition might not exist
anymore and there could be another (internal-i_123asdf324tre )

Is there any way to use regular expression in service definitions in
icinga1 ? Or any other way of achieving this in icinga1 ?

many thanks in advance
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