
We did one upgrade from icinga2.4 to 2.6 (inclusive icingaweb2), but we
have Problems with the notifications templates.

We have configured in our hosts and services theses variables for the

vars.notification.mail.users = "t...@xxx.de"
vars.notificaton.sms.users = "operations_sms"

and our notifications.conf was something like:


apply Notification "mail-icingaadmin" to Host {
  import "mail-host-notification"

  interval = 0 // re-notification disabled

  users = host.vars.notification.mail.users

  assign where host.vars.notification.mail

apply Notification "mail-icingaadmin" to Service {
  import "mail-service-notification"

  users = host.vars.notification.mail.users
  if (service.vars.notification.mail.users != "" ) {
        users = service.vars.notification.mail.users

  if (service.vars.interval_notification != "" ) {
        interval = service.vars.interval_notification
        }else {

                interval = 0 // Standard: re-notification disabled

  assign where host.vars.notification.mail


### SMS Gateway

apply Notification "host_gateway-notification" to Host {
  import "host_gateway-notification"

  interval = 30m // re-notification

  users = host.vars.notification.sms.users
  assign where host.vars.notification.sms

apply Notification "service_gateway-notification" to Service {
  import "service_gateway-notification"

  interval = 30m // re-notification

  users = host.vars.notification.sms.users
  if (service.vars.notification.sms.users != "" ) {
        users = service.vars.notification.sms.users

  assign where host.vars.notification.sms

It was running in production, but after the upgrade, we get a lot of Config
Errors because it cant find the User.

PS: In some hosts/service, the sms user was empty:
vars.notificaton.sms.users = ""

Then Icinga didnt do any sms notification for these services/hosts... is
possible that in the new version empty values are not permit?

Many Thanks,

Christian Moreno

Christian Moreno Moreno
System Engineer Offers

idealo internet GmbH
Ritterstraße 11
10969 Berlin, Deutschland
Tel.: +49 (0)30 40 30 10 33
Fax: +49 (0)30 221 94 33 - 21
E-Mail: christian.mor...@idealo.de
Dr. Albrecht von Sonntag, Dr. Philipp-Christopher Peitsch
HRB 76749 – Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg
[image: idealo Logo] <http://www.idealo.de/>
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