On Thursday 12 January 2017 at 14:13:48, Vikas Tiwari wrote:

> Hi,
> I am testing Icinga2 as a monitoring tool for our infrastructure which will
> monitor close to 3000 nodes.
> I have a top down config sync. There is a single master and and there are
> no fail overs(for now). The clients(behind NAT) connect to the master
> directly.
> I have configured around 20 passive checks on each client.

Why passive?

> What i have observed is that the heartbeats from both the ends i.e the
> master and the clients are very aggressive which ping every 10 seconds.

Is the Master able to connect to the Clients through the NAT connection?  The 
fact that you said above that "the clients (behind NAT) connect to the the 
master directly" suggests that it cannot (ie: it sounds like one-way NAT), so 
have you made sure that the Master Endpoint definitions in 
/etc/icinga2/zones.conf on the Clients contains the hostname (or IP address) 
of the Master, but that the Client Endpoint definitions on the Master does not 
contain the hostname or IP address of the Clients?

> Further the JSONRPC pings are as frequent as 5 seconds, there is also a lot
> of other data exchanged between the client and the master. This all leads
> to high consumption of network data, Given we have limited  data on the
> client machines we cannot afford to spend this much data just for
> monitoring.

What bandwidth do you have available per client connection?

> Currently, per hour 800-900 KB is consumed.

That equals around 256 bits per second (if KB means kilobits) or 2kbits per 
second (if KB means kilobytes).

Is that *really* a significant overhead on your network?


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