Hi Denny,

> * Hiera role includes: hieradata/role/mon.yaml
> ---
> classes:
>   - role::mysql_server
>   - role::icinga2_server
>   - role::webserver
>   - role::web::icingaweb2

The usual role/profile pattern for Puppet says one node => one role.
What you could do, though I wouldn't recommend it, because it might
become confusing, would be to have your icinga2_server role inherit from
a webserver role, but as I said, it's not really logic.

What would interesting me though, would be to know how you assign this
role hierarchy to your nodes? Can you show your hiera.yaml file?

> icinga2::features::api:
>   bind_host:  ''
>   accept_config: true
>   ca_path:  '/etc/ssl/certs/ca.crt'
>   cert_path:  '/etc/ssl/certs/bla.cert'
>   key_path:  '/etc/ssl/certs/bla.key'

The rule of thumb for automatic lookup of variables is:

$var in class icinga2::features::api => icinga2::features::api::var in
your hiera file.

You cannot use a hash as you did, because api is the class, not the
hash/variable key. So it should look like this:

> icinga2::features::api::bind_host: ''
> icinga2::features::api::accept_config: true
> icinga2::features::api::ca_path:  '/etc/ssl/certs/ca.crt'
> icinga2::features::api::cert_path:  '/etc/ssl/certs/bla.cert'
> icinga2::features::api::key_path:  '/etc/ssl/certs/bla.key'

You can take a look at this PR which introduces a working set-up using
hiera for configuration for most aspects:

Best regards,

TenTwentyFour S.à r.l.
W: www.tentwentyfour.lu
T: +352 20 211 1024
F: +352 20 211 1023
9, avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux
L-4362 Esch/Alzette

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