
i want to sync services via Director.

1. scenario: assign-filter
The importsource delivers the "import template name" and the "assign-filter"

2. scenario: hostname
The importsource delivers the "import template name" and the "hostname"

Neither 1 nor 2 i'm able to create

1. scenario
a file (fileshipper)  or databasetable (mysql) with:

   id; service_template; assign_where
   1; check_1_template; host.vars.os==Windows

Key column name: id

sync rule
properties Source field -> Destination:
${service_template} -> import
${assign_where}     -> assign_filter
apply               -> object_type

On sync I get:
Undefined variable: hasServiceSet

Even if i introduce an "object_name" i got this error.

2. scenario
a file (fileshipper)  or databasetable (mysql) with:
  id; service; service_template; host_name
  1; d1; check_2_template; hostA
  2; d1; check_2_template; hostB

Key column name: id

sync rule
${service}         ->object_name
{service_template} -> import
{host_name}        -> host

on first sync i got as expected:

object Service "d1" {
   host_name = "hostA"
   import "check_2_template"
object Service "d1" {
   host_name = "hostB"
   import "check_2_template"

on second sync i got

"Exception while syncing Icinga\Module\Director\IcingaService d1: Storing icinga_service[] failed: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraints violadtion: 1062 Duplicate entry 'd1-1' for key 'object_key'..."

But the database icinga_servcei is showing no "d1-1":
select id,object_name, oibject_type from icinga_service;
11 d1 object
12 d1 object

How do I import services via Director?

Tilo Mey
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