I finally found this: https://assets.nagios.com/downloads/nagioscore/docs/nagioscore/3/en/objectinheritance.html Section "Implied Inheritance" and it solves my problem.
Best Regards, Merci et bonne journée! Caroline Paré | (418) 266-6656 # 24705 Chargée de projets et Responsable des systèmes Linux et du Laboratoire Direction des technologies de l'information (DTI) Service des infrastructures et des technologies appliqués aux opérations (SITAO) Ministère des Transports, de la Mobilité durable et de l’Électrification des transports 930 chemin ste-foy, 2e étage – Québec (QC) – G1S 4X9 [cid:image001.jpg@01D0C2CE.E4155840] Devez-vous vraiment imprimer ce courriel? Pensez à l’environnement! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ce courriel est confidentiel et ne s'adresse qu'à son destinataire. S'il vous a été transmis par mégarde, veuillez le détruire et m'en aviser aussitôt. Merci! De : icinga-users [mailto:icinga-users-boun...@lists.icinga.org] De la part de Lange, Stefan (GIT-IOEI) Envoyé : 8 novembre 2016 03:14 À : 'Icinga User's Corner' Objet : Re: [icinga-users] Question? Hi, Maybe you can define in you host template definition for all servers your “notification_period=24x7 » and define in your service and host definition definition. I do it like object Host "Hostname” . . vars.sla = "24x7" . . } ******************* apply Service “Servicename” { . . vars.notification_period = host.vars.sla . . } ******************* apply Notification "XXXXX" to Service { . . if (service.vars.notification_period) { period = service.vars.notification_period } else { period = "24x7" } . . } Best regards Stefan From: icinga-users [mailto:icinga-users-boun...@lists.icinga.org] On Behalf Of Paré, Caroline Sent: Monday, November 07, 2016 4:44 PM To: 'icinga-users@lists.icinga.org' Subject: [NEWS: ] [icinga-users] Question? Is there a way to associate all the services "notification_period" at the same "notification_period" of the host? For example, I have a server that "notification_period=workours" and 3 services (Memory, Load, Apache) configured to have "notification_period = 24x7". If the server on which is running these services have "notification_pediod=workours", I don't want to be notified for these 3 services. For certains servers, I want that those service notify the same period of the host, but I don't wan't to duplicate the definition of my services. Any help will be appreciated. Caroline
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