On Monday 24 October 2016 at 01:03:16, Antony Stone wrote:

> Hi.
> I've set up an Icinga2 system which is working fine for most machines I
> need to monitor (installing icinga2 on everything, and using the PKI
> system to communicate between monitored nodes and monitoring servers - I
> get the impression there is no "Icinga2 agent" or "NRPE equivalent", so
> I've installed Icinga2 itself (without the web front-end) on everything).
> However, I have a small number of machines (running Linux) which I can't
> install Icinga2 onto.  I *can* install the Nagios plugins, and I almost
> have SSH access to the machines.
> I say "almost" because it's SSH, but it's not on port 22.
> I've found section 7.2 of
> http://docs.icinga.org/icinga2/latest/doc/module/icinga2/chapter/agent-base
> d- checks-addon and I've learned a bit more from
> https://wiki.icinga.org/display/howtos/Using+SSH+as+remote+client+for+Icing
> a2 and I've also found from "check_by_ssh --help" that this plugin accepts
> a -p parameter to specify the port number to connect to.
> However, I can't work out how to pass this parameter to check_by_ssh based
> on the above examples.

Oh, I forgot to add - I can't even work out what "import by_ssh" is importing 
- just in case that might give me a clue as to how to pass the -p parameter.  
Where is "by_ssh" imported from?

> What am I missing, please?
> Antony.

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