Thanks for the input Michael.  What would be the correct way of scheduling a 
downtime of unknown duration?
I’ve noticed that if the scheduled downtime is deleted from the api, the 
downtime history entry still exists.


> On Jul 13, 2016, at 1:08 PM, Michael Friedrich <> 
> wrote:
> Am 13.07.2016 um 18:36 schrieb Marcos Di Pietro:
>> Hi,
>> I’m using the API to schedule downtimes of a unknown duration.  The
>> scheduled downtime start time is set to now and the scheduled downtime
>> end time is set to a year from now.  When the downtime is done, I call
>> the API to update the downtime object’s end time to the current
>> datetime. However, when I look in the IDO database, the
>> icinga_downtimehistory table doesn’t reflect the updated end time and
>> the entry gets removed from the icinga_scheduleddowntime table. Is
>> there a way of updating the downtime history records thru the API? I
>> depend on this data being correct to generate SLA reports.
> Interesting idea. But that's not gonna work as such object change
> attributes won't trigger any other events (neither event stream nor DB
> IDO). In your case you obviously want to manipulate a wrongly scheduled
> downtime. Delete and re-create it - or fake it inside your database
> backend as you've done with Icinga 1.x.
> Kind regards,
> Michael
> -- 
> Michael Friedrich, DI (FH)
> Senior Developer
> NETWAYS GmbH | Deutschherrnstr. 15-19 | D-90429 Nuernberg
> Tel: +49 911 92885-0 | Fax: +49 911 92885-77
> CEO: Julian Hein, Bernd Erk | AG Nuernberg HRB18461
> |
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