Hi Friends,

I am running Icinga 2.4.10 version on Centos 6.6 64-bit. The issue I am
facing is that somehow the EventHandler command is not getting executed for
host whereas it is working fine for the Services.

 Actually I have written 2 EventHandler scripts one for Services & one for
Hosts which will open JIRA tickets based on the Critical & Hard state of
the service & host.

I have enabled debugging on Icinga but so far I am do not see any error or
warning being reported for the icinga2jirahost event handler

Service Event Handler being called but same is not called for host in

debug/DbEvents: add eventhandler history for 'openstack-in.example.com

Can somebody point me what wrong I am doing and the solution to solve this

*My Host & services configuration*

object Host "openstack-in.example.com" {
  import "generic-host"
  address = ""
  vars.os = "Linux"
  vars.notification["mail"] = {
    groups = [ "icingaadmins" ]
enable_event_handler = true
event_command  = "icinga2jirahost"
vars.assignee_name = "ankush.grover"
vars.priority = "Critical"

object Service "JIRA-staging-https" {
         import "generic-service"
         host_name = "openstack-in.example.com"
         check_command = "http"
         vars.assignee_name = "ankush.grover"
         vars.priority = "Critical"
         event_command = "icinga2jira"
         enable_event_handler = true


*Event Command*

object EventCommand "icinga2jirahost" {
         import "plugin-event-command"
        command = [ PluginDir + "/icinga2jirahost" ]
         arguments = {
         hostname = "$host.display_name$"
         assignee_name = "$assignee_name$"
         host_state = "$host.state$"
         host_state_type = "$host.state_type$"
         host_output = "$host.output$"
         priority = "$priority$"

vars.host.state = "$host.state$"
vars.host.state_type = "$host.state_type$"
vars.host.output = "$host.output$"
vars.host.display_name = "$host.display_name$"


Thanks & Regards

Ankush Grover
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