
I'm new to this ML. I'm planning to migrate from Nagios, and I'm evaluating Icinga2.

I read a lot of things about the new sytax of the configuration files, and all the advices telling to re-write configuration files from scratch.

But... that clearly won't be possible on our production environment ! We have hundreds of hosts, and thousands of services. Re-writing all the config files by hand, just to get the same thing as before, would involve several days (weeks ?) of work. I don't have that time.

Having the ability to import, let's say, 80% of the actual config (even it is not optimized at all), would be the minimum. Without that, Icinga may be the best software in the world, I can't afford spending too much time re-writing existing files with another syntax.

About the "migration script", I didn't really understand what's the currest status : Is it still a "standalone" tool ? Is it integrated in the icingacli (I didn't find it) ? Is there any documentation (I didn't ever find ow to specify the source path for old files) ? Is it still supported, or is it considered as "deprecated" and "unuseful" ?

I understand all what has been said about the advantages of the new file structure. But without a decent migration tool, I just can't afford spending so much time in rewriting my existing Nagios files by hand.

Thank you in advance for your help and advices.
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