Hello, all.
I notice in the Icinga2 startup log, that I am getting a lot of warning 
messages similar to below. It appears that the warning is raised because a 
comment still exists for a host that has been removed.
Icinga2 still starts up, but my question is whether the comment objects 
eventually get removed during a configuration reload, or if there is a way from 
the web interface to remove "orphaned" comments?

warning/ConfigObject: Ignoring config object 'master1-1453247014-2' of type 
'Comment' due to errors: Error: Validation failed for object 
'cyclops-0435!racetrack!master1-1453247014-2' of type 'Comment'; Attribute 
'host_name': Object 'cyclops-0435' of type 'Host' does not exist.

Location: in 

 object Comment "master1-1453247014-2" ignore_on_error {


  author = "molurotimi"

  entry_type = 4.000000

Jay Newman

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