Hello Jean-Marcel,

when I just tried to follow your advice I noticed two things.
First the url to the actual repository is just for convenience:


Second there were several not properly escaped sequences in

Namely it were the backslashes in front of \n, \r, \t, see the patch in the

For convenience again, after applying the patch one could then get a pdf manual
on *nix systems through:

git clone http://git.icinga.org/icinga2.git icinga2
cd icinga2/doc
pandoc --toc --latex-engine=xelatex -o Manual.pdf 1-about.md \
2-getting-started.md 3-monitoring-basics.md 4-configuring-icinga-2.md \
5-advanced-topics.md 6-object-types.md 7-icinga-template-library.md \
8-cli-commands.md 9-icinga2-api.md 10-monitoring-remote-systems.md \
11-icinga2-client.md 12-agent-based-checks.md 13-distributed-monitoring-ha.md \
14-addons-plugins.md 15-features.md 16-troubleshooting.md \
17-upgrading-icinga-2.md 18-language-reference.md 19-library-reference.md \
20-script-debugger.md 21-development.md 22-migrating-from-icinga-1x.md \

supposing latex2pdf and pandoc are installed and properly set up.

--- 7-icinga-template-library.md	2016-01-30 21:37:28.512203132 -0800
+++ 7-icinga-template-library.md.new	2016-01-30 21:37:22.976175681 -0800
@@ -145,9 +145,9 @@
 clamd_port           | **Optional.** Port number (default: none).
 clamd_expect         | **Optional.** String to expect in server response. Multiple strings must be defined as array.
 clamd_all            | **Optional.** All expect strings need to occur in server response. Defaults to false.
-clamd_escape_send    | **Optional.** Enable usage of \n, \r, \t or \\\\ in send string.
+clamd_escape_send    | **Optional.** Enable usage of \\n, \\r, \\t or \\\\ in send string.
 clamd_send           | **Optional.** String to send to the server.
-clamd_escape_quit    | **Optional.** Enable usage of \n, \r, \t or \\\\ in quit string.
+clamd_escape_quit    | **Optional.** Enable usage of \\n, \\r, \\t or \\\\ in quit string.
 clamd_quit           | **Optional.** String to send server to initiate a clean close of the connection.
 clamd_refuse         | **Optional.** Accept TCP refusals with states ok, warn, crit. Defaults to crit.
 clamd_mismatch       | **Optional.** Accept expected string mismatches with states ok, warn, crit. Defaults to warn.
@@ -346,9 +346,9 @@
 ftp_port           | **Optional.** The FTP port number.
 ftp_expect         | **Optional.** String to expect in server response. Multiple strings must be defined as array.
 ftp_all            | **Optional.** All expect strings need to occur in server response. Defaults to false.
-ftp_escape_send    | **Optional.** Enable usage of \n, \r, \t or \\\\ in send string.
+ftp_escape_send    | **Optional.** Enable usage of \\n, \\r, \\t or \\\\ in send string.
 ftp_send           | **Optional.** String to send to the server.
-ftp_escape_quit    | **Optional.** Enable usage of \n, \r, \t or \\\\ in quit string.
+ftp_escape_quit    | **Optional.** Enable usage of \\n, \\r, \\t or \\\\ in quit string.
 ftp_quit           | **Optional.** String to send server to initiate a clean close of the connection.
 ftp_refuse         | **Optional.** Accept TCP refusals with states ok, warn, crit. Defaults to crit.
 ftp_mismatch       | **Optional.** Accept expected string mismatches with states ok, warn, crit. Defaults to warn.
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@
 imap_address          | **Optional.** The host's address. Defaults to "$address$" if the host's `address` attribute is set, "$address6$" otherwise.
 imap_port             | **Optional.** The port that should be checked. Defaults to 143.
-imap_escape           | **Optional.** Can use \n, \r, \t or \\ in send or quit string. Must come before send or quit option. Default: nothing added to send, \r\n added to end of quit.
+imap_escape           | **Optional.** Can use \\n, \\r, \\t or \\ in send or quit string. Must come before send or quit option. Default: nothing added to send, \\r\\n added to end of quit.
 imap_send             | **Optional.** String to send to the server.
 imap_expect           | **Optional.** String to expect in server response. Multiple strings must be defined as array.
 imap_all              | **Optional.** All expect strings need to occur in server response. Default is any.
@@ -797,7 +797,7 @@
 pop_address          | **Optional.** The host's address. Defaults to "$address$" if the host's `address` attribute is set, "$address6$" otherwise.
 pop_port             | **Optional.** The port that should be checked. Defaults to 110.
-pop_escape           | **Optional.** Can use \n, \r, \t or \\ in send or quit string. Must come before send or quit option. Default: nothing added to send, \r\n added to end of quit.
+pop_escape           | **Optional.** Can use \\n, \\r, \\t or \\ in send or quit string. Must come before send or quit option. Default: nothing added to send, \\r\\n added to end of quit.
 pop_send             | **Optional.** String to send to the server.
 pop_expect           | **Optional.** String to expect in server response. Multiple strings must be defined as array.
 pop_all              | **Optional.** All expect strings need to occur in server response. Default is any.
@@ -851,7 +851,7 @@
 simap_address          | **Optional.** The host's address. Defaults to "$address$" if the host's `address` attribute is set, "$address6$" otherwise.
 simap_port             | **Optional.** The port that should be checked. Defaults to 993.
-simap_escape           | **Optional.** Can use \n, \r, \t or \\ in send or quit string. Must come before send or quit option. Default: nothing added to send, \r\n added to end of quit.
+simap_escape           | **Optional.** Can use \\n, \\r, \\t or \\ in send or quit string. Must come before send or quit option. Default: nothing added to send, \\r\\n added to end of quit.
 simap_send             | **Optional.** String to send to the server.
 simap_expect           | **Optional.** String to expect in server response. Multiple strings must be defined as array.
 simap_all              | **Optional.** All expect strings need to occur in server response. Default is any.
@@ -974,7 +974,7 @@
 spop_address          | **Optional.** The host's address. Defaults to "$address$" if the host's `address` attribute is set, "$address6$" otherwise.
 spop_port             | **Optional.** The port that should be checked. Defaults to 995.
-spop_escape           | **Optional.** Can use \n, \r, \t or \\ in send or quit string. Must come before send or quit option. Default: nothing added to send, \r\n added to end of quit.
+spop_escape           | **Optional.** Can use \\n, \\r, \\t or \\ in send or quit string. Must come before send or quit option. Default: nothing added to send, \\r\\n added to end of quit.
 spop_send             | **Optional.** String to send to the server.
 spop_expect           | **Optional.** String to expect in server response. Multiple strings must be defined as array.
 spop_all              | **Optional.** All expect strings need to occur in server response. Default is any.
@@ -1033,7 +1033,7 @@
 ssmtp_address          | **Optional.** The host's address. Defaults to "$address$" if the host's `address` attribute is set, "$address6$" otherwise.
 ssmtp_port             | **Optional.** The port that should be checked. Defaults to 465.
-ssmtp_escape           | **Optional.** Can use \n, \r, \t or \\ in send or quit string. Must come before send or quit option. Default: nothing added to send, \r\n added to end of quit.
+ssmtp_escape           | **Optional.** Can use \\n, \\r, \\t or \\ in send or quit string. Must come before send or quit option. Default: nothing added to send, \\r\\n added to end of quit.
 ssmtp_send             | **Optional.** String to send to the server.
 ssmtp_expect           | **Optional.** String to expect in server response. Multiple strings must be defined as array.
 ssmtp_all              | **Optional.** All expect strings need to occur in server response. Default is any.
@@ -1076,9 +1076,9 @@
 tcp_port        | **Required.** The port that should be checked.
 tcp_expect      | **Optional.** String to expect in server response. Multiple strings must be defined as array.
 tcp_all         | **Optional.** All expect strings need to occur in server response. Defaults to false.
-tcp_escape_send | **Optional.** Enable usage of \n, \r, \t or \\\\ in send string.
+tcp_escape_send | **Optional.** Enable usage of \\n, \\r, \\t or \\\\ in send string.
 tcp_send        | **Optional.** String to send to the server.
-tcp_escape_quit | **Optional.** Enable usage of \n, \r, \t or \\\\ in quit string.
+tcp_escape_quit | **Optional.** Enable usage of \\n, \\r, \\t or \\\\ in quit string.
 tcp_quit        | **Optional.** String to send server to initiate a clean close of the connection.
 tcp_refuse      | **Optional.** Accept TCP refusals with states ok, warn, crit. Defaults to crit.
 tcp_mismatch    | **Optional.** Accept expected string mismatches with states ok, warn, crit. Defaults to warn.
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