
Which versions of Web 2 and Icinga 2 are you using? Why IDO PostgreSQL and IDO 
MySQL? You may only have one.

Please post which Icinga 2 features are enabled.


On 20 Jan 2016, at 3:31 PM, akira...@hotmail.com<mailto:akira...@hotmail.com> 

The Context
I'm working on provisioning Icinga2 Web2 with IDO PostgreSQL and IDO MySQL 
using Ansible.
I base my work on the greathttps://github.com/Icinga/icinga2-ansible roles. I 
have forked the project (mickael-ange/icinga2-ansible) to add more automation 
and support such as IDO PostgreSQL.
Well, I ends up with a version of icinga2-ansible-web2-ui role which installs 
Icinga2 Web2 with IDO PostgreSQL or IDO MySQL automatically without wizard.
The Problem
The server seems to work properly at the exception that I cannot figure out how 
to get data in Icinga2 Web2 interface such as:

  *   Comments and Downtimes from Overview menu
  *   Event Grid, Event Overview, Notifications, Timelinefrom History menu

I can create Comments and Schedule Downtimes, but they don't get listed in the 
UI. Downtimes are processed correctly. I can send Notifications but they don't 
get listed in the UI as well. Notifications are sent out when SELinux is in 
permissive mode.
My questions is: is there any IDO or Icinga2 Web2 configuration to get the 
database populate with Comments, Downtimes, etc..?
Note: I have already searched in most of the documentation of Icinga2 project 
and forums I could find but no cigar. I'm surprise none gets this problem 
before so it is probably a problem on my side.
How to Reproduce this Issue
For those who has the energy to reproduce the problem you can clone 
mickael-ange/icinga2-ansibleGithub repo and follow instructions 
 You need to install the required tools if it is not already the case. Then 
install role dependencies with librarian-ansible. Finally, I wrote a section 
(#ido-no-historical-data-in-icinga2-web2-and-db) to reproduce the problem.
Thank you to have taken the time read until here!
Stack overflow link: 

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