
I configured two users for the API, one with all permissions and the other
one only for check the Object status ( objects/query/Host and
objects/query/Service ).

Its possible filter to the users the attributes? I would like that the
users can see only some attributes, like last_status, output, etc... I dont
want that some users can see for example the passwords of the check

Some Idea?


Christian Moreno Moreno
System Engineer Offers

idealo internet GmbHRitterstraße 11
10969 Berlin, DeutschlandTel.: +49 (0)30 40 30 10 33Fax: +49 (0)30 221 94 33
- 21E-Mail: christian.moreno@idealo.deGeschäftsführer:Dr. Albrecht von
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Berlin-Charlottenburg[image: idealo Logo] <http://www.idealo.de/>
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