* Per-Henrik Lundblom <p...@whatever.nu> [151124 13:52]:

> Instead I want to use the cluster transport as a way to detect host
> state. Therefore I change check_command for the hosts client[12] to
> "cluster-zone" which doesn't work. I assume this is because the host
> state check_command is run on each host, not on monitor1. Thus, when the
> cluster-zone check fails on either client, it is actually detected but
> it is not communicated to monitor1 and the client host state remains UP.

Judging from the lack of replies, I assume it is impossible to contol
the host state check_commands in this way?

How is host alive checks supposed to work when the clients can't be
reached by the master using ping?



Per-Henrik Lundblom           epost: p...@whatever.nu
telefon: 0707-64 70 50        hemsida: www.whatever.nu

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