
I would like that when a notification is sent, this notification contains a
link to the problematic entity on the website. This was easy with the CGI
interface since everything was passed as GET parameters, but it is not so
trivial with icinga-web (though easy again with icingaweb2). I had a look
at the URL that you can get when using the "get this view as URL". The
problem is that the selection parameter is based on the object id in the DB
(host_object_id-value_0=1234), which as far as I know is not exported to
the icinga core.
I assume I am not the only one wanting such a feature. Any advice from
people that already addressed it ?

Btw, the version I use is  icinga2-2.3.10 and icinga-web-1.13 (mysql)

Thanks for the help

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