Am 30.09.2015 um 12:34 schrieb Michael Thalmann: > Hi all, > Hi,
> I can not believe that no one on this list is using flap detection at all. We use this feature for wlan monitoring. > If so, I would like what version of Icinga2 is working - 2.3.10 is not. 2.3.10, too mh, our configuration looks like yours. In my memoriesI thought that it worked. But.... My mailaccount during the last 24h said that flapping start and flapping end at a specific host but during flapping icinga2 also sends notifications. nuts > I would define a configuration as working if it is not sending alerts between > flapping start and flapping end for that service/host. > No bashing, it is just the question if it's my misconfiguration. I am using > the default config files for testing and this: > > > object Host "nodea" { > import "template-node" > > address = "" > vars.remote_client = "nodea" > enable_flapping = 1 > } > > apply Service "users" { > import "generic-service" > flapping_threshold = 10 > enable_flapping = 1 > > check_command = "users" > assign where host.vars.os == "Linux" && host.vars.remote_client > command_endpoint = host.vars.remote_client > max_check_attempts = 1 > # aggresive checks for testing: > check_interval = 10s > retry_interval = 15s > vars.notificationmail = true > } > > > apply Notification "mail-icingaadmin-debug" to Service { > import "mail-service-debug" > > user_groups = host.vars.notification.mail.groups > interval = 0 # never resend alerts > times.begin = 0 # send email about bad service immediately > assign where (service.vars.notificationmail == true) > } > > template Notification "mail-service-debug" { > command = "mail-service-debug" > > states = [ OK, Warning, Critical, Unknown ] > types = [ Problem, Acknowledgement, Recovery, Custom, > FlappingStart, FlappingEnd, > DowntimeStart, DowntimeEnd, DowntimeRemoved ] > > period = "24x7" > } > > > > _______________________________________________ > icinga-users mailing list > > _______________________________________________ icinga-users mailing list