Hi Nicolas,

Just grepped the log files and it looks just like the other hosts
monitored, nothing suspicious.

And yes, this is the single host and the single service that is showing the
weird behavious in Icingaweb2.

It was working as expected until a couple of days ago. There was an alert
on available apt updates. The alert recovered for all hosts except for this
To be exact, it is flapping between healthy and the incorrect alert, also
there are no subsequent notifications sent for the erroneous states that
are displayed in icingaweb2.

Would you happen to know how to purge a node from icinga? I am thinking
that it might be the easies to purge it from icinga then add it back in as
if it was new.

Most of the monitored nodes are in AWS and the config is handled by Chef.
The icinga agent was installed by hand.

Thanks a lot for your response,

On Tue, 29 Sep 2015 at 19:53 Nicolas Odermatt <oderma...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Bertalan,
> At first glance, I'd be interested in what the icinga2.log in
> /var/log/icinga2 says, try gripping it for entries regarding that
> particular host to see if there are any suspicious messages. Also, as only
> this host seems to behave faulty, there might even be something odd in it's
> apt.conf - are your servers stand alone or are they clones from a VM image?
> Don't have any better suggestions at the moment.
> Cheers,
> Nicolas
> On 25 September 2015 at 13:52, Bertalan Voros <bertalan.vo...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> For some reason an alert keeps flipping between critical then normal for
>> the apt service for a single host.
>> It was a valid alert in the morning, all packages were updated and it
>> should now be OK. Just like it is now on all other monitored hosts.
>> Already tried removing the host and readding it to Icinga2 and also
>> restarting and stopping restarting the icinga2 agent on the monitored host.
>> What else can be done?
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> Freundliche GrĂ¼sse,
> Nicolas Odermatt
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