Am 14.09.2015 um 13:06 schrieb Bertalan Voros:
Hello All,

Could someone verify if my understanding is correct regarding the
times set in a Notification object.

The times.begin time will be used to send the first notification
message and it would carry on re-notifying until the times.end time,
if re-notification is enabled.

Not necessarily the first notification, but it will suppress everything
outside the end minus begin window. The notification itself will be
re-sent on your defined interval (iirc the default if not set is 30m,
check the Notification Object docs for that). Though it will start with
its interval on the defined "begin" offset.

There's an issue on discussing this behaviour:

Could or should times.begin and times.end be set to be the same if
re-notification is disabled?
I'm not sure what happens if interval is set to 0 (if it is delayed or
not), but that's something for your exercise to try exactly that.

Kind regards,

Michael Friedrich, DI (FH)
Senior Developer

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