Hi all,
what could possibly cause a host or service stuck in "pending" state?
I'm experiencing this problem now, the last check for all my hosts and
services is 2 days ago, that's what I see in icingaweb2.

My cluster scenario is usual - icinga2 master, then a satellite instance in
a remote location and there a lot of remote clients.

vim objects.d/endpoint.conf
object Endpoint "the-satellite" {
  host = "123.x.x.x"
  port = 5665
object Endpoint "remote-client-ui01" {
  host = ""
object Endpoint "the-master" {

vim objects.d/zone.conf
object Zone "the-satellite" {
  endpoints = ["the-satellite"]
  parent = "master"
object Zone "remote-client-01" {
  endpoints = ["remote-client-01"]
  parent = "eps-satellite"
object Zone "global-templates" {
  global = true
object Zone "the-master" {
  endpoints = ["the-master"]

The object/zone configuration is  synced to satellite and remote clients,
just the "host" property is set only where the connection is made, master
connects to satellite, satellite connects to a remote client...

When I think what I did two days ago - I upgraded to v2.3.9, I could try to
revert to the previous version...
I'm stripping down the configuration of services and hosts, maybe there is
a problem…I reduced the configuration to only one remote client, to cut off
possible problem with the remote clients…
The debuglog is quite verbose, but I can't spot a problem logged there...
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