Hi All,

We use LDAP for the authentication of our icingaweb2. In the
authentication.ini if configured one LDAP group and in this LDAP group are
all developers and admins of the company.
For the Admins, we have configured one Role with the Permissions (Allow
Every developers have standard "Viewer" rights (so any Role/Permission

Until now all ok, but we need that some Developers Groups can have exta
some Permissions only on some hostgroups, for example:

Frontend_Developers : "Viewer Rights" for every host and extra permissions
on frontend hostgroups.

If I configure one Role with permissions for some users on hostgroup X,
then they cant see more the rest of the hosts.

I'm doing something wrong? Is that possible to configure?


Christian Moreno Moreno
System Engineer Offers

idealo internet GmbHRitterstraße 11
10969 Berlin, DeutschlandTel.: +49 (0)30 40 30 10 33Fax: +49 (0)30 221 94 33
- 21E-Mail: christian.moreno@idealo.deGeschäftsführer:Dr. Albrecht von
Sonntag, Dr. Philipp-Christopher PeitschHRB 76749 – Amtsgericht
Berlin-Charlottenburg[image: idealo Logo] <http://www.idealo.de/>
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