Am 17.08.2015 um 14:39 schrieb Martin Stiborský:
I have this problem here, but it's more likely wrong configuration or my 

I have a master icinga2 instance and a remote satellite instance with remote 
clients on each monitored host.

See the zones.conf from the master instance:

object Endpoint "master-instance" {
 host = ""
 port = 5665

object Endpoint "satellite-instance" {
 host = ""
 port = 5665

object Endpoint "remote-client-instance01" {

object Zone "master" {
 endpoints = ["master-instance"]

object Zone "satellite-instance" {
 endpoints = ["satellite-instance", "remote-client-instance01"]
 parent = "master"
object Zone "global-templates" {
 global = true

Now this zones.conf file is same on the satellite and remote clients, what 
differes is just the host/port properties.
On the satellite, the remote client endpoint has got address specified, but no 
need to specify address back to the master.

The checks on the remote client are executed from the satellite with the 
"command_endpoint" property. Seems to be working.

On the master instance, I have configured a cluster check.

object Service "cluster_check" {
 display_name = "Cluster check"
 host_name = "master-instance"
 check_command = "cluster"
 check_interval = 5s
 retry_interval = 1s

But this check reports a problem:
Icinga 2 Cluster Problem: 1 Endpoints (remote-client-instance01) not connected.

This endpoint should be connected to the satellite instance, so why the local 
master's check is complaining about it?

Kind regards,

My plan is to add more and more these remote-client-instanceXX endpoints…so 
this problem is kind of telling me that maybe I have something wrong in the 
whole idea…

Pretty please for help, guys.

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Michael Friedrich, DI (FH)
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