On 04/08/15 02:14, "icinga-users on behalf of Daniel Guevara" 
<icinga-users-boun...@lists.icinga.org on behalf of dguev...@nxtview.com> wrote:

>Hello ,
>I am having trouble with external commands after 3 weeks of everythings going 
>I install :
>- Icinga2 2.3.8
>Icinga2 - The Icinga 2 network monitoring daemon (version: r2.3.8-1)
>System information:
>  Operating system: Linux
>  Operating system version: 2.6.32-32-pve
>  Architecture: x86_64
>- IcingaWeb2
>After i receive the first message :
>Can't send external wooo Icinga command to the local command file 
>"/var/run/icinga2/cmd/icinga2.cmd": No such device or address
>I see that the file is not present in the directory
>i tried to create them with the mknod & mkfifo command putting all the 
>permission required and there is no difference.

Well, that just can’t possibly work. Can you show me the output of „icinga2 
feature list“?

Also, assuming that the „command“ feature isn’t enabled:

icinga2 feature enable command
service icinga2 restart

You might also have to modify the permissions for the command pipe file. See 
 for a more detailed explanation of what you need to do.

>I i erase the file i see that the icinga2web is working creating the command  
>and the file but nothing is performed in Icinga2.
>How needs to create the pipe command file?
>Thanks for your help.
>Daniel Guevara
>icinga-users mailing list

Gunnar Beutner
Application Developer

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