Hi Carl,

First of all I'm using a VirtualBox in order run Solaris 10 to simulate the
installation before I turn to the machines at work. For some reason, a few
people at work insist running Solaris on IBM M4 servers ... But hey, it
works :)

Lets get to business:

1. The problem was -Wl, --gc-sections in side CMakeLists.txt on lines 139
and 140, I removed it and the problem is fixed. I read about --gc-sections
and realized that it's the garbage collector. What do you think about
removing it? Is there any alternative?

2. I encountered two issues with boost, the first was adding -pthreads
since boost requires the compiler to use threads. CmakeLists.txt is not
familiar with SunOS therefor at lines 135 and 136 I added -pthreads:
    set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -g -pthreads")
    set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -g -pthreads")

3. The second boost issue was with the
file third-party/socketpair/socketpair.c, I changed AF_LOCAL to AF_UNIX
online 149.

4. For now, I'm struggling with openssl libraries and variables not being
declared. Will update as soon as I'll figure it out.

  On 07/19/2015 10:33 PM, Dennis Zheleznyak wrote:

I've download the required packages from OpenCSW and ran cmake:


However, I still get the same error when running gmake all:

 bash-3.2# gmake all
 Linking C shared library ../../Bin/Release/libmmatch.so
 ld: fatal: unrecognized option '--'

   This is a classic porting problem, with the double-hyphen likely
coming from the configuration of a dependency.  To find this, go into
the directory where the build first fails and open the Makefile in an
editor and search for "--".  Figure out what it does, replace it
with the single-hyphen option that will do the job, and if it works,
report it to the team as a porting bug.

   I'm the guy who handles Solaris ports/packaging for Icinga-1, but
my hardware is modest (read "ancient") enough that it lacks the proper
resources to compile Icinga-2.  What sort of hardware are you using?


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