Hi Ankush,

Sorry for the noise. Johannes got it sorted out. This is a bug in our 
rc1-release. Any possibilities to test our latest snapshot?


On 15 Jul 2015, at 10:23, NETWAYS 
<eric.lippm...@netways.de<mailto:eric.lippm...@netways.de>> wrote:

Hi Ankush,

Is this the error you get from the setup wizard? When exactly does this error 
show up? An explanation of all steps you’ve run through would be helpful.


On 07 Jul 2015, at 09:57, Ankush Grover 
<ankushcen...@gmail.com<mailto:ankushcen...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Hi Friends,

I am trying to setup Icingaweb2 on Centos 7 64-bit machine and I am getting the 
below error when I am trying to set "ldap/ad" for the authentication mechanism 
through the web setup wizard.  Can somebody update me why this error is coming 
up and what is the way to fix this. There are no pre-requisite marked as Red 
when running setup wizard. I am using MariaDb as the db backend and ido2db is 
configured to use the same..

Authentication Backend
Unable to validate authentication: Authentication configuration for user 
backend "icingaweb_db" is missing the 'resource' directive

Do let me know if you need any further information..

Thanks & Regards

Ankush Grover

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Eric Lippmann
Application Developer

NETWAYS GmbH | Deutschherrnstr. 15-19 | D-90429 Nuernberg
Tel: +49 911 92885-0 | Fax: +49 911 92885-77
GF: Julian Hein, Bernd Erk | AG Nuernberg HRB18461
http://www.netways.de | eric.lippm...@netways.de

** OSBConf 2015 - September - osbconf.org **
** OSMC 2015 - November - netways.de/osmc **
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