Thanks - though the page you linked to is for Icinga, and (forgot to mention, 
but perhaps would be apparent from the syntax below) I am running Icinga2.
You did steer me in the correct direction - will put some time in the lab to 
try it out. Thanks!

From: icinga-users [] On Behalf Of 
Jamila Khan
Sent: Monday, July 13, 2015 12:13 PM
To: Icinga User's Corner
Subject: Re: [icinga-users] How to assign a different command execution time to 
different hosts

My solution would be to make a custom host variable for the timeout, and then 
make your commands use that variable.

I've used this successfully for very similar needs.

Jamila Ruya Khan
(888) 481-3655 x103<>

On Jul 12, 2015, at 9:36 PM, Jay Newman 
<<>> wrote:

Hello, all.

Hoping someone has encountered something similar and already has a solution. I 
am trying to find the most straight forward method of allowing a higher timeout 
value for commands issued against a limited set of hosts or devices that are 
known to have slow connections. If I just set the "timeout = " value high 
enough for the slowest connections in the command definitions, that really is 2 
or 3 times as long as I would need or want for most of the hosts I monitor.
Without this, what we live with is a set of hosts that generate "white noise" 
by frequently showing as down or with failed service checks - only to reset 
themselves - or else increase the timeouts and/or number of failed checks to 
the point where I am ignoring legitimate problems too long.

What occurs to me is to have two entirely separate command definitions, named 
for example "my_command" and "my_command_slow" - and define the service checks 
for the high latency hosts to use the "slow" commands. This seems very 
primitive and prone to errors - IE admins adding or changing a command and it 
being overlooked for the "slow" hosts. It would look something like:
object CheckCommand "my_check" {
command = ["/path/to/command/command"]
timeout = 45 }

object CheckCommand "my_check_slow" {
command = ["/path/to/command/command"]
timeout = 180 }

apply service "my_service" {
assign where match (conditions_for_normal_hosts)
check_command = "my_check" }

apply service "my_service_slow" {
assign where match (conditions_for_slow_hosts)
check_command = "my_check_slow" }

Not pretty.
What would seem to make more sense would be to be able to define a timeout 
value for the service check itself, so that when I write my apply statement to 
perform a given check on the servers I tagged as "slow", that it sets a timeout 
value. However so far this does not seem to work; timeout does not seem to be a 
valid attribute for a service.

object CheckCommand "my_check" {
command = ["/path/to/command/command"]   }

apply service "my_service" {
assign where match (conditions_for_normal_hosts)
check_command = "my_check"
timeout = 45

apply service "my_service_slow" {
assign where match (conditions_for_slow_hosts)
check_command = "my_check"
timeout = 180

Suggestions / experience?


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