I'm tying to build the arguments dictionary dynamically from values in a
host dictionary object called hosts.vars.meta and not having a lot of
success. I did find the section in the docs that does something similar
to what I'm doing
I've tried a lot of different permutations and can't seem to get this
to work. I wonder of some of the issues I am having are related to the
fact that host.vars.meta is a dictionary object and not a string. Or is
it a case that I am trying to reach too far back. Should I just assign
a local vars.meta in the Notification object from the host object?
host.vars.meta looks like:
* vars
* meta
* chassis = "CHMODEL_DEVICE"
% = modified in
'/etc/icinga2/conf.d/fb/generated/cic1-00-off-wgw1.conf', lines 13:4-13:49
* entity = "Entity.Value"
% = modified in '/etc/icinga2/conf.d/fb/templates/host.conf',
lines 18:4-18:52
* key = "ODS.Key"
% = modified in '/etc/icinga2/conf.d/fb/templates/host.conf',
lines 19:4-19:45
* os = "ios-xr"
% = modified in
'/etc/icinga2/conf.d/fb/generated/cic1-00-off-wgw1.conf', lines 15:4-15:29
* region = "amer"
% = modified in
'/etc/icinga2/conf.d/fb/generated/cic1-00-off-wgw1.conf', lines 9:4-9:36
* role = "edge-gateway"
% = modified in
'/etc/icinga2/conf.d/fb/generated/cic1-00-off-wgw1.conf', lines 11:4-11:43
* vendor = "network-vendor"
% = modified in
'/etc/icinga2/conf.d/fb/generated/cic1-00-off-wgw1.conf', lines 7:4-7:32
And here is the NotificationCommand on my last attempt:
object NotificationCommand "fb-notification-host" {
import "plugin-notification-command"
command = [ FBPluginDir + "/icinga2-notify.pl" ]
env = {
NOTIFICATIONTYPE = "$notification.type$"
HOSTALIAS = "$host.display_name$"
HOSTADDRESS = "$address$"
HOSTSTATE = "$host.state$"
LONGDATETIME = "$icinga.short_date_time$"
CHECKOUTPUT = "$host.output$"
NOTIFICATIONAUTHORNAME = "$notification.author$"
NOTIFICATIONCOMMENT = "$notification.comment$"
USEREMAIL = "$user.email$"
LEVEL = "$level$"
var host_meta = {{
log(LogInformation, "Getting MetaData", encode(host.vars.meta))
return encode(host.vars.meta)
arguments = {
"--metadata" = this.host_meta
So my last attempt before I gave up I tried to convert the whole
dictionary to a JSON string. All I would get from GetOptions in
icinga2-notify.pl is an empty string for --metadata.
SIDE NOTE: I couldn't get anything to log anywhere. My guess is that I
don't have logging setup correctly. I do have mainlog enabled and the
log level is set to information. I might be able to figure this out if
I could get logging enabled.
Some of the permutations I've tried:
var host_meta = {{
for( key => value in host.vars.meta ) {
arguments["--" + key] = value
The idea here is to use a function to get at host.vars.meta and
manipulate arguments inside that function. I did try just calling a
bare function but I couldn't get away with that. Arguments is still
empty. I think in this case it is a scope issue. I set arguments
inside the function but the scope of Arguments is local to the function.
I tried global.arguments but no success.
arguments = {{
var service_args
for( key => value in service.vars.meta ) {
service_args["--" + key] = value
return service_args
The idea here is to use a function and set arguments base on the return,
returning a Dictionary object. I try to return just the Dictionary
object and return using the clone function ie return
clone(service_args). Doing that gives me a stack trace ( see below ),
but basically its std::bad_cast. I try to return from the function to a
temp variable and then assign that to arguments. I get 2 different
errors depending on if I use clone or not on the RHS of the assignment.
The bad_cast error seems failry obvious. Trying to assign one type to
another and it won't let me. Is the function not returning a dictionary
var service_meta = {{
var service_args
for( key => value in service.vars.meta ) {
service_args["--" + key] = value
return service_args
arguments = service_meta
gives a std::bad_cast
var service_meta = {{
var service_args
for( key => value in service.vars.meta ) {
service_args["--" + key] = value
return service_args
arguments = clone(service_meta)
gives critical/config: Error: Invalid field access (for value of type
'NotificationCommand'): 'clone'
At this point I've gone so far down the rabbit hole and can't think
straight anymore. Can somebody offer a second opinion or a solution?
critical/config: Error: std::bad_cast
(0) libbase.so: void
>(boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<std::bad_cast> const&)
(+0xb8) [0x3a316eec68]
(1) libbase.so:
(+0x264) [0x3a316f5924]
(2) libicinga.so:
icinga::Command::ValidateArguments(icinga::String const&,
boost::intrusive_ptr<icinga::Command> const&) (+0x55) [0x7ff8d7bec4e5]
(3) libicinga.so: icinga::Value
icinga::FunctionWrapperV<icinga::String const&,
boost::intrusive_ptr<icinga::Command> const&>(void (*)(icinga::String
const&, boost::intrusive_ptr<icinga::Command> const&),
std::vector<icinga::Value, std::allocator<icinga::Value> > const&)
(+0x77) [0x7ff8d7c7d917]
(4) libicinga.so:
icinga::Value (*)(void (*)(icinga::String const&,
boost::intrusive_ptr<icinga::Command> const&),
std::vector<icinga::Value, std::allocator<icinga::Value> > const&),
boost::_bi::list2<boost::_bi::value<void (*)(icinga::String const&,
boost::intrusive_ptr<icinga::Command> const&)>, boost::arg<1> > >,
icinga::Value, std::vector<icinga::Value, std::allocator<icinga::Value>
> const&>::invoke(boost::detail::function::function_buffer&,
std::vector<icinga::Value, std::allocator<icinga::Value> > const&)
(+0xd) [0x7ff8d7c57f4d]
(5) libbase.so:
std::allocator<icinga::Value> > const&) (+0x1d) [0x3a316a0a7d]
(6) libconfig.so:
const&, std::vector<boost::intrusive_ptr<icinga::TypeRuleList>,
std::allocator<boost::intrusive_ptr<icinga::TypeRuleList> > > const&,
std::vector<icinga::String, std::allocator<icinga::String> >&,
icinga::TypeRuleUtilities const*) (+0x42b) [0x3a31e75fbb]
(7) libconfig.so:
icinga::ConfigType::ValidateItem(icinga::String const&,
boost::intrusive_ptr<icinga::Object> const&, icinga::DebugInfo const&,
icinga::TypeRuleUtilities const*) (+0x2d9) [0x3a31e786e9]
(8) libconfig.so: icinga::ConfigItem::Commit(bool) (+0x9ea)
(9) libconfig.so:
icinga::ConfigItem, bool>,
>, boost::_bi::value<bool> > >,
void>::invoke(boost::detail::function::function_buffer&) (+0x28)
(10) libbase.so: icinga::WorkQueue::WorkerThreadProc() (+0x25d)
(11) libboost_thread-mt.so.5: thread_proxy (+0x77) [0x3fd100ad47]
(12) /lib64/libpthread.so.0() [0x3fccc079d1]
(13) libc.so.6: clone (+0x6d) [0x3fcc4e88fd]
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